CHSPy (Cubic Hermite Splines for Python) ======================================== This module provides Python tools for `cubic Hermite splines `_ with one argument (time) and multiple values (:math:`ℝ→ℝ^n`). It was branched of from `JiTCDDE `_, which uses it for representing the past of a delay differential equation. CHSPy is not optimised for efficiency, however it should be fairly effective for high-dimensionally valued splines. Each spline (`CubicHermiteSpline`) is stored as a series of *anchors* (using the `Anchor` class) each of which contains: * a time point (`time`), * an :math:`n`-dimensional state (`state`), * an :math:`n`-dimensional temporal derivative (`diff`). Between such anchors, the spline is uniquely described by a polynomial of third degree. With other words, the spline is a piecewise cubic Hermite interpolant of its anchors. Example ------- The following example implements a simple three-dimensional spline with three anchors (at :math:`t=0`, :math:`t=1`, and :math:`t=4`) and plots it. .. plot:: ../examples/ :include-source: The markers depict the anchors. Note how the slope at the anchors is zero for Components 0 and 2 (which is how we defined the spline), while it isn’t for Component 1. Command Reference ----------------- .. automodule:: _chspy :members: